Email Campaigns
Children in Harmony (CIH)
Children In Harmony (CIH) launched an email campaign on the day before #GivingTuesday in 2023 to increase their Instagram followers by 500. The campaign consisted of three emails. The first email introduced the campaign, the second was sent on #GivingTuesday, and the final was a follow-up email thanking participants for their support.
The email campaign was highly successful, with an average open rate of 36.63%. CIH gained approximately 539 new followers on Instagram, and the campaign also raised nearly $500 coincidentally during the campaign.
Email Campaign
ICF Next
This email is a promotion from IFC Next for their client EnergyStar’s new hybrid water heater. The email emphasizes the rebate available for customers and the benefits of the new water heater in terms of increased savings on their water bills.
IFC Next is a marketing agency based on the East Coast that specializes in public utility and industrial clients. Energy Star is a public utility that provides power to Maryland residents.
Asmoke Grills
This email is part of a campaign to introduce Asmoke as a new wood pellet brand and promote a pre-purchase opportunity offered by Asmoke on IndieGoGo. The email expresses gratitude to customers for supporting the campaign’s goal of $100,000 in just 3.5 hours.
The landing page’s content starts with a brief guide on operating the grill, followed by an engaging video, essential features and benefits, and some grilling ideas to kick-start one’s cooking experience.
The campaign was a success. The funding goal was met in a few hours, and over a million dollars were raised within a month.
Email Sample
Landing page
This email highlights the security benefits of Lockly Smart Locks. It includes a table that lists the key features of Lockly’s deadbolt products and provides links to Lockly’s homepage and About Us page.s.
Email Sample
Landing Page
“How to write a good email: 1. Write your email. 2. Delete most of it. 3. Send”
Dan Munz, senior advisor, U.S. Department of State